Specific features enable you to avoid Dangers are Total abstinence from any prior intake of Alcholic drinks give a False sense of security Physical fitness promotes capacity to react is necessary in Situations of extreme danger such as arise with sudden attacks from a swerving bull Obstacles such as Fallen bulls Fallen runners people standing in the way Pile-ups of fallen runners that hold up the run Control in tricky situations such as arise with sudden attacks from a swerving bull Obstacles such as Fallen bulls Fallen runners people standing in the way Pile-ups of fallen runners that hold up the run Self confidence improves running conditions for all participants Personal experience built up from prior learning over several years Previous bull-runs Held in Other places is very important for Learning to position yourself Knowing your own limitations Running in front familiarity with the same stretch of the Route Not touching the Bull Prior training as required for Competitive sport Showing consideration towards Other runners who are better positioned in front of the Bull Great respect for the Bull Figure 2. Concept map of the specific features required in those intending to run before the bulls