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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: Teacher, the class management and control opposite to diagnosing what the learner already knows, to acquire charisma does not contemplate techniques to help students learn to learn, traditional models motivates students by using rewards and punishment, master classes as they show little concern in curriculum development does not consider the acquisition of skills is a lifelong process, progressist models emphasizes on diagnosing what the learner already knows, TEACHER in traditional models, progressist models is responsible for sharing meanings with and among students, progressist models conducts theory and research guided teaching practice, TEACHER in progressist models, traditional models considers technology more as information givers than as instruments to assist in the construction of meanings, technology more as information givers than as instruments to assist in the construction of meanings is opposite to lack of student motivation as a deficiency in the understanding of meaning, master classes as they show little concern in curriculum development does not consider responsible for sharing meanings with and among students, traditional models desires to acquire charisma, technology more as information givers than as instruments to assist in the construction of meanings does not consider optimistic view of human potential, progressist models uses techniques to help students learn to learn, using rewards and punishment opposite to clear distinction between logical and psychological organization of the teaching material., traditional models considers teachers make learning occur, progressist models makes a clear distinction between logical and psychological organization of the teaching material., progressist models has an optimistic view of human potential, progressist models interprets lack of student motivation as a deficiency in the understanding of meaning